Abbkine LDH test kit, we want to say…


The last issue of Abbkine’s WeChat public account article tells about an important indicator of cell state detection, witnessing the state of cell viability. This is also the “good news” for many cytology researchers. Once the article was published, the response was very good, and everyone asked questions:

A: The Cell Living Dead Kit is so easy to use, we also want to start it. What is its purchase link?

B: What is the quotation for this kit? Is it family price?

C: Abbkine’s Living Dead Staining Kit is so easy to use, is there any other kit that can be used together?

D: In our laboratory, we do cell toxicology experiments. In addition to testing the effects of drugs on cell viability, can we also detect other states of cells?

For product purchase links and price questions, please leave a message below the article, and Abbkine’s beautiful little brothers and sisters will enthusiastically answer for everyone. For the combination of products, Abbkine, in order to help you detect more cell status indicators and more comprehensively evaluate the impact of external stimuli on cells, we have launched the LDH kit cytotoxicity detection kit (KTA1030).

Product NO. Product Name Product Links
KTA1030 LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Kit

Popular science: lactate dehydrogenase (LDH or LD) is an important enzyme that catalyzes the redox reaction between lactic acid and pyruvate in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis engineering. Lactate dehydrogenase exists in the cytoplasm of all tissues and cells of the body, among which the content of the kidney is higher. In terms of the rate of glycolysis, lactate dehydrogenase is not a rate-limiting enzyme, so it has little effect on the rate of occurrence. Using this material, we quantitatively evaluate cell death or cytotoxicity through plasma membrane damage. LDH is a stable enzyme that exists in all cell types and is quickly released into the cell culture medium after the plasma membrane is damaged. Therefore, LDH is the most widely used marker in cytotoxicity studies.

The application range is very wide:

Analyze the effects of compounds or environmental factors on cell death. All animal cell samples can be tested. Detection range of cell number: 10,000-100,0000 cells/well.

Easy to operate:

  1. No need to draw a standard curve, use positive and negative results to quantify cytotoxicity;
  2. LDH is released from the cells into the medium, forming a visual color response. After the sample reaction is colored, use a microplate reader for detection, and the reading is convenient;
  3. Samples and reaction equipment are easily available: only 200 μL of cell culture supernatant is required as a sample for subsequent testing. Ordinary 96-well plates can be completed.

This issue mainly talks about the experimental protocols and products of cytotoxicity detection in cytology research. Due to space limitations, I have to say goodbye to everyone again. At the same time in the next issue, there will be experiments and product application operation tips to meet with you. Stay tuned~~~~~

You are welcome to pay more attention to Abbkine’s official account, and there will be more scientific research surprises waiting for you. At the same time, in order to provide a platform for readers to learn biological knowledge, Abbkine’s technical experts have worked tirelessly to sort out the dry goods of a variety of high-end biological experiments, and later published them in the WeChat public account. Please continue to pay attention to Abbkine for readers who love science. the public.

Abbkine focuses on the fields of proteinology and cytology, and is committed to the innovation and research and development of various antibodies, proteins, analytical reagents and kits, in order to become a key promoter in the development of life science research, drug development and other fields. We provide you with the favorite products of protein and immune research users, from basic immunological products, such as protein extraction and quantification, to internal reference label antibodies, primary antibodies and secondary antibodies for immunological experiments; the favorite products of cell research users, from Dyes and kits for detecting cell status, organelle extraction kits, cell substructure staining and tracking and cell metabolism detection products, to cytokine and protein detection kits for cell culture, just to help your research career

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